Time Flies!

Looking back over the past year,

we can see many obvious challenges that came our way. 2020 was full of unexpected surprises for all of us! We can be grateful that we have survived the trials that impacted our lives and pray that 2021 will be a bit less challenging. Whenever we look back on hard times, if we look closely enough, we will recall moments of smiles and laughter as well. They may be overshadowed by the gloomy clouds of loss and heartache but they are there just the same. One of the blessings that we so easily take for granted is our ability to choose our perspective. We often hear that illustrated as the glass half full/half empty scenario. This year the glass overflowed!

It helps to look back with a sense of humor and to look forward with anticipation. With that in mind, I wrote this little parody of The Night Before Christmas. Although it is a bit of an inside joke for Ohioans, I am sure that wherever you are on this globe you will identify with its reality.

An Ohio Covid Christmas By Jim Weller (12-9-20)

Twas an Ohio Covid Christmas and all through the house

Every creature was masked, including the mouse!

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care

But quarantined Santa would never be there.

The children were sleeping with dreams in their heads

And hand sanitizer beside every bed.

Mama in her face shield and I in my mask

Were completely exhausted from homeschooling tasks.

When out on the lawn there arose such a noise!

“Could it be Santa with sterilized toys?”

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

But to keep out the virus I had nailed the sash!

There, on the street with its undriven snow

Was a man with a face I had just come to know.

“Hello citizen!” he waved, “Hope you’re fine.

I’m your substitute Santa, Governor DeWine.

The old elf is unclean, I have kept him away

But his work is essential so I jumped into his sleigh!

All of the reindeer are 6 feet apart,

No need to take chances, we have to be smart.”

Then to my amazement from the bag on his sleigh

Popped a sign language interpreter for all he would say!

“I know things are different, this year will be hard

But we’re in this together so no Christmas cards!

Email is safer.” He said through his mask.

“Be smart and be safe! That’s all that I ask.”

As I pondered just how we could be safe and smart

From out of his lab coat he pulled a big chart!

“I know that my mandates get on your last nerve

But working together we can flatten the curve.”

With his oversized glasses he looked academic

As he pointed out how we could survive the pandemic.

Then with his lesson satisfactorily taught

He unloaded the few measly presents he’d brought.

Spraying Lysol and Clorox on each box at his feet

He placed them 6 feet apart by the street.

While climbing aboard Santa’s sleigh with a jerk

He shouted, “Curbside pick up can work!”

Then down the street they rapidly flew

Trying to finish before the curfew.

But I heard him shout as I watched quite disturbed

The porch pirates stealing the gifts from the curb,

“I hope that the new year will turn out much better

But until then remember we are in this together!”

As for our eagles, they are thriving! Mating behavior has already begun and will increase in frequency as January comes around. The first egg of 2021 is still 2 months away though. Juvenile and nomadic adults are more visible now as the leaves have fallen.

Orv and Willa are working on their nest in the daytime and roosting in the park overnight even as hundreds of visitors flock to this year’s socially distanced Christmas activities.

I hope that your holiday celebrations are as happy and fulfilling as you have dreamed and that your rapidly approaching new year is full of unexpected joys!

Time flies!

Published in: on December 17, 2020 at 12:44 pm  Leave a Comment